A s for causality, don’t wait until seeing is believing...
TAIPEI - 17 TAIPEI In 2008, I had an opportunity to attend a scientific seminar in Taipei. On that occasion, I contacted a close friend, Professor Raymond Yeh, in order to pay him a visit. Professor Yeh is the former Head of the Computer Science Department at the University of Texas and the University of Maryland. He is a scientist and the author of several textbooks and a whole range of research materials taught at universities across America. He has trained many generations of renowned scientists and professors. Despite retiring, he is still contributing to the field of science and has a significant influence all over the world. Professor Yeh merrily invited me to come over to his PROLOGUE DIVINE PREDESTINATION
NGUYEN PHONG 18 house for dinner. Surprisingly, the astronaut Edgar Mitchell* was also present at the meal, along with one of his friends named Thomas K. Professor Yeh started by introducing everyone: ”Edgar Mitchell is a brilliant scientist responsible for many research works on space at Harvard University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). He was one of six men from the Apollo XIV spacecraft (mission) who set foot on the moon on January 31st, 1971. On his way back to Earth, looking through the spaceship’s window, he realized how small Earth is compared with the vastness of the Universe, and experienced a strange sense of inexpressible peace. ”After returning to Earth, he tried all sorts of ways to get answers about that feeling. As a scientist, Dr. Mitchell attempted to apply scientific theories to elucidate this state of inner peace, but his efforts were in vain. He gathered many scientists and founded a research institute on the relationships between science and inner experience, the Institute of Noetic Science. However, over the years, these scientists have not been able to come to any conclusion. Therefore, at this time I have invited him to meet the Most Venerable Sheng Yen, hoping that the Most Venerable can help him answer his questions about this experience.” During that dinner, we intimately discussed the scientific theories that were just emerging at that time. I found that Dr. Mitchell was open-minded, with a broader and deeper understanding than any other scientist I have ever met. Dr. Mitchell said: * The astronaut Edgar Mitchell initiated the study of the correlation between humans and the universe to learn about inexplicable events, encouraging the building of connections between science and inner experience in the institute he founded with some friends in Palo Alto, California. He passed away in 2016.
TAIPEI - 19 MANY LIVES MANY TIMES ”The latest scientific inventions are now pushing humankind to change the way we think and perceive, even with regard to what we previously thought was correct. A growing number of discoveries and new data can completely change the scientific foundations that have been built over hundreds of years. Centuries ago, we believed that Earth was the Universe’s center, and all planets, as well as the sun and moon, orbited Earth. Of course, now we know that this was all false. The sun is just the center of one solar system, and our Earth and all the related planets orbit the sun. However, the Universe is vast and has many other solar systems that we know nothing about. According to an estimate from The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), there are more than a billion solar systems in the vast Universe. Our solar system is only a tiny part of it.” Dr. Mitchell continued: ”Only when people go out into space can they really see our smallness in this unimaginable Universe. Currently, we know that life has been on this Earth for millions of years, but perhaps life might exist on other planets or other solar systems as well. We assume that humans are the most intelligent species because we compare ourselves to animals. Still, maybe there are other creatures on other planets, and possibly they are even more intelligent than us. We just don’t know yet. ”Not long ago, we believed that the smallest object in the world was the Molecule, but then, we found the Atom and thought that it was the smallest. Today, we know that atoms are not the smallest; but quantum particles are even tinier such as Quarks. If we continue to conduct research, we will probably discover even tinier things than these. Therefore, our knowledge is always changing according to new scientific discoveries. Suppose we can prove that a subatomic particle like a Neutrino moves faster than
NGUYEN PHONG 20 the speed of light? In that case, Einstein’s Theory of Relativity will have to change, and the orbits of every planet in the Universe will be different from what we can measure today.” He paused and emphasized every word: ”The issue is, how will we react to newly discovered data? Could we accept that what we have believed for so long are now invalid theories? Or will we still stick to our former notions because we have considered them to be absolute truths?” Professor Yeh concurred: ”Experimental science is just a collection of knowledge gathered from many experiments with measurements, observations, and verified data. As scientists, we always seek, learn, and research based on reasoning, making hypotheses, and proving that they are true or false. Everything we have built is entirely formed based on measuring apparatuses. However, with the advancement of science, when these apparatuses become increasingly sophisticated and accurate, we will be able to collect new data to supplement that which came before and continue to build upon the current science. Strictly speaking, experimental science is an ever-changing process that complements what was previously imperfect.” Dr. Mitchell smiled: ”But there will come a day when we find completely different data from what we had previously. We will make new hypotheses to change current notions, and we will have a scientific revolution subverting everything we built before.” Suddenly, Dr. Mitchell turned to ask me: ”You are also a scientist, what do you think about it?”
TAIPEI - 21 MANY LIVES MANY TIMES I thought for a moment, then replied: ”A scientific revolution like that will probably require more than just coming up with a new theory to usurp former ones. In my opinion, first we have to contemplate the previous notions to find out why they are no longer valid. As Professor Yeh said before, if we invent more sophisticated and precise equipment, we will understand that the previous apparatuses were imperfect. Suppose we can prove that the new data is more reasonable, accurate, and valuable. In that case, we could provide evidence to justify a new theory and replace the previous one, which no longer holds true. However, I think it will probably require a long time to change people’s mindsets.” We continued to discuss scientific discoveries, but most of the time, the conversation was between Dr. Mitchell and Professor Yeh. Thomas and I just sat and listened, occasionally engaging in some polite conversation. I saw Thomas was concentrating as he listened to their conversation, sometimes smiling without saying anything. Perhaps, because he was a businessman rather than a scientist like us, he was more sparing of words. After the meal, Dr. Mitchell asked me: ”We are going to meet the Most Venerable Sheng Yen tomorrow. Would you like to go with us?” Of course, I could not refuse such a rare opportunity. This pre-arranged meeting took place in the University of Taipei lecture hall with some students and professors in attendance. Professor Yeh was the host of the meeting. He opened the meeting by addressing the astronaut:
NGUYEN PHONG 22 ”Dr. Mitchell, please share with the Most Venerable Sheng Yen your strange experience when you were flying in space and ask him your questions.” Dr. Mitchell began, addressing the Most Venerable Sheng Yen: ”Most Venerable, after finishing our mission on the moon, we began our return to earth. While flying through space, our spacecraft had to continuously spin on a 360 degrees axis to reduce the heat emitted by the sunlight. Therefore, I could see the earth, moon, and sun every two minutes through the spacecraft’s windows. Additionally, since there is no atmosphere in space, we could also see the planets very clearly. From the earth, we look at the sky and see the twinkling stars due to the effect of the atmosphere; however, in space, it all glows like a giant grid of thousands of shining diamonds-like stars. It was an incredible sight. Nowadays, people can see these images from the Hubble Telescope or in pictures published online by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. By looking closely, we can see that the Universe is extremely beautiful, and cannot be described in words. ”As a scientist, I know all cells, all atoms in the bodies of myself and my friends, and even the atoms which make up a spacecraft, originated on our planet, which originated from the Universe. All material phenomena come from this Universe. During the flight back to earth, I became aware that my body and everything in the Universe is actually undifferentiated. Instead of being an individual, an independent part, I understood that all share the same origin. At that moment, I found myself immersed in a strange sense of inexpressible peace, and I continued to experience it whenever I was still. As astronauts, of course, we were very busy controlling the spacecraft while finishing our scientific experiments. However, I sometimes stopped to
TAIPEI - 23 MANY LIVES MANY TIMES look out of the window to admire the wondrous beauty of the Universe and enjoy that strange sense of inner peace. ”With every rotation of the spacecraft, I could see the earth, moon, sun, and all the twinkling stars. I found the Universe to be a grid of millions of stars all emitting a brilliant light, and I was well aware of the notion that ’the Universe is homogeneous.’ I understood that if everything is homogeneous, that all things are closely related to each other, and are inseparable. It is a new concept that none of we scientists had ever thought of before. ”During this incredibly peaceful experience, I wondered: ’Who am I really? Where did I come from? Where will I go? How is the Universe formed, and how does it relate to the earth and the people living there? Did we, the first people to travel to space, feel a clear correlation between humans and the Universe, which is different from the conception of people who have never left the earth?’ ”I decided it was time to find a way to replace the preconceptions that have imprisoned so many generations with a new concept of the correlation between humans and the Universe. Perhaps the scientific laws and knowledge, which have been built up since time immemorial, will have to change as we look back on everything we have done on this earth after witnessing our diminutiveness compared to the vast Universe. Even modern science, which began about four hundred years ago with Isaac Newton, would have to change when people stepped out of the influence of the earth’s gravity.” Dr. Mitchell continued: ”After returning to earth, I have been constantly wondering about this strange sense of inner peace. I searched out and
NGUYEN PHONG 24 read many scientific books but have found nothing to explain this phenomenon. I turned to Western religious documents but also found nothing. I asked the most learned scholars, but none of them could answer my questions. A friend suggested that I look at writings on Eastern religions, and I started studying Buddhism, especially those books mentioning the unification of mind, Samadhi. I found a parallel between the experience I had in space and that of the Eastern philosophers when they described the meditative state.” Professor Yeh suddenly asked: ”Is that the same feeling you had when you found yourself united with all things?” Dr. Mitchell replied: ”I no longer saw any difference between myself and all things. The feeling of harmony, with the Universe’s movement was an uncanny experience that words cannot express.” Professor Yeh turned to ask the Most Venerable Sheng Yen: ”Most Venerable, according to Buddhist conception, is Dr. Mitchell’s experience of no longer seeing the distinction between himself and the Universe – an enlightenment?” The Most Venerable Sheng Yen smiled, and looked at Dr. Mitchell: ”First of all, I am so glad that Dr. Mitchell had such an extraordinary experience. Out of thousands of people, there are not many who have had such an experience. When one experiences something entirely new in life, which can completely change all personal experiences, we could consider it enlightenment. However, that could also be just a temporary feeling.
TAIPEI - 25 MANY LIVES MANY TIMES ”For example, not long ago, one of my disciples also had an extraordinary experience. After a seven-day meditation retreat, he returned home. On the way home, he saw all the trees, flowers, small insects, and leaves; the grass happily greeted him. He felt great peace and contentment, like he was in harmony with his surroundings, and he believed that he was enlightened. He hurried back to tell me about the experience. I told him that, although it was a wonderful moment of experience, it could also disappear in just a minute. You should not take that feeling to be enlightenment. If you are still in doubt, try going back to that garden to check if the flora, flowers, and fauna welcome you as before. ”When he returned there, he didn’t feel the same experience as last time, so he asked: ’How can I get that amazing feeling back?’ I replied: ’No one can ever own their past experience for all eternity. It is too greedy to hold onto it forever. Having this experience is only the result of spiritual cultivation. It was not the enlightenment that you had expected. The purpose of meditation practice is to develop wisdom and eliminate the ego. If we reach the state of non-ego, will this world, or we, ourselves, still exist? For most people, this world really does exist, but for enlightened people, it is just an illusion, not real. Therefore, no matter what our experience is, it is just a brief illusion. We should not pay attention to it or desire to hold onto it for our entire lives.’” Professor Yeh further asked: ”Most Venerable, if so, no matter what experience we have, we should not cling to it?” The Most Venerable Sheng Yen replied:
NGUYEN PHONG 26 ”No matter how the experience turns out, let it come and go naturally. Perhaps it is just something coming from your mind that will change, because so everything does. Even though it seems to truly exist, just consider it a mental phenomenon. ”However, for those who have experienced something that has completely changed their perception, who have lived with that mental cognition ever since, we can conclude that those people are enlightened. According to Buddhist concepts, it means these people already had a good ’cause,’ which has now started to come to fruition.” The Most Venerable Sheng Yen continued to share his wisdom: ”Dr. Mitchell is a scientist, but he couldn’t explain his experience with scientific reasoning, couldn’t prove it through experiments, or logical method. You believe that this is a new knowledge that science needs to discover and study more. However, you should know that feeling is a spiritual experience within the religious category that science cannot explain. Philosophy or logic could not elucidate it either, since it is a spiritual experience that happened to only one individual – You. That experience has completely changed your way of thinking. Since then, you’ve felt it’s become a part of you that is inseparable. This experience is beyond the scientific category as those who undergo it cannot describe, explain, or prove it, and no one else has had the same experience; it is an individual affinity experience. Only those who drink water can know whether it is hot or cold. In your case, only you could feel the personal harmony with the Universe, integration with all; there is no longer any distinction between you and the Universe. At that time, there were also other astronauts in the spacecraft, but why didn’t they have the same experience as you? Why were you the only
TAIPEI - 27 MANY LIVES MANY TIMES one to have that feeling? Scientifically speaking, once you feel something, everyone else must feel it too. In short, this is something that cannot be scientifically explained or proven because it is beyond the scope of science.” Professor Yeh continued to ask: ”Dr. Mitchell, did that strange experience ever happen again? When you returned to the earth, did you still have that feeling?” Dr. Mitchell replied: ”Yes, I was still feeling and living in this boundless peace. It completely changed my conception of humans and the Universe; therefore, I sought to explain and understand it through science, logic, philosophy, and spirituality. I agree with what the Most Venerable Sheng Yen said. However, as a scientific researcher, I still want to find a way to connect science with internal experience, to open a new horizon for the knowledge that today’s humanity is lacking.” Professor Yeh continued asking: ”What do you think about the current deficient scientific theories? Take the theory of cosmic formation through the Big Bang as an example?” Dr. Mitchell replied: ”Experimental science is built on theories, then proven through experiments with precise data. Although the cosmic formation through the Big Bang is accepted by the majority, no one has entirely proven it yet. Hence, it is just a hypothesis. It can explain some phenomena, but it hasn’t reached the point where it can be recognized as absolute truth. In my opinion, with the progress of science today, this hypothesis may
NGUYEN PHONG 28 become obsolete as more evidence or data becomes available. I don’t think the Universe is just the result of an explosion, but rather something in motion, constantly changing, so it’s tough to define clearly.” Professor Yeh highlighted an issue: ”But if we remove the Big Bang theory, then did time not really begin with the Universe’s creation. So, is it something without a beginning?” Dr. Mitchell further explained: ”To me, time is just a relative measurement. Human beings propose so-called ’time’ on this earth, but nature is not divided like that. People created the notion of time and then split it into many fragments. The cycle during which the earth orbits the sun once is considered a year; then a year has twelve months, each month has days, and the day is divided by the hour, the hour is divided by the minute, the minute is divided by the second, and so on. This division is only a limitation on Earth. If we go to Mars or Venus, we will have to change the timing accordingly. If we keep going into space, time on Earth will no longer be valid.” Professor Yeh turned to ask the Most Venerable Sheng Yen: ”Most Venerable, a space scientist and famous astronaut like Dr. Mitchell does not entirely believe in the hypothesis of the formation of all things through the Big Bang but assumes that the Universe is something ever-changing. If so, does nothing have a beginning or an end, but rather just a process of constant change? Most Venerable, is this concept different from the Buddhist conception in the Flower Adornment Sutra (Avatamsaka)?” The Most Venerable Sheng Yen replied:
TAIPEI - 29 MANY LIVES MANY TIMES ”Until now, everyone believed that everything was formed as a result of the Big Bang. Scientists also rely on this hypothesis to make scientific theories about space, time, and so on. I am glad that such a brilliant scientist and famous astronaut as you think differently. You believe that the Universe is always changing and constantly moving; hence, it fits with the concept of ’Creation – Sustenance – Destruction – Dissolution.’ Because all things, all phenomena, are constantly changing, there is no beginning or end. It is very consistent with Buddhist concepts. ”However, I would like to add that Buddhist cosmology does not divide time and space into two distinct entities but encompasses both time and space. Time includes the past, present, and future. Space comprises all six directions (East, West, South, North, Up, and Down). But does time truly exist? No. Time is generated only when an object moves in space, and if we can measure that movement, time exists. In other words, if we perceive that space changes, time exists. If space is not moving, there will be no time. But if we say that, does space exist? No! If we do not feel time, space does not exist either. All is something that is called ’Emptiness.’ ”In other words, Buddhist cosmology is a combination of space and time. As one exists, the other also exists. If one doesn’t exist, neither does the other. All are related to each other; all are closely interrelated and interpenetrated. In brief, everything in the Universe is relative; it means impermanence, non-ego, and dependent origination. Despite having different names, time and space have the same essence, ’the Universe is homogeneous,’ one is all, all is one.” The Most Venerable Sheng Yen continued explaining:
NGUYEN PHONG 30 ”Today, astrophysics has proven this with Albert Einstein’s Theory of Relativity. Specifically, the concept of fourdimensional space clearly states the meaning of this: space and time are not two absolute separate entities but have relativity only. We must use the word ’space-time’ to refer to both of them since their nature is combined, harmonized with each other as one, conquering and wonderfully interpenetrating with each other. ”With his transcendent mind, Einstein discovered the Theory of Relativity. He found that speed, time, space, and mass are not absolute but relative. His formula E = mc2 demonstrated that energy is the mass of a moving object times the speed of light squared. In those conditions, matter will turn into energy, and when the moving energy slows down, it will turn into matter again.” The Most Venerable Sheng Yen turned to Dr. Mitchell and said clearly: ”As you know, energy is mass and mass is energy, as spirit is material, and material is also spirit. That is what Buddha taught in the Flower Adornment Sutra more than two thousand years ago: ’Mind is matter, and matter is mind – the Universe is homogeneous, that is the principle of ‘perfectly unimpeded interpenetration.’ To approach the Garland realm, you have to enter through the spiritual door; distinct feelings or reasoning based on contemplation of ’consciousness’ are impossible. Only the spiritual door can synthesize time and space, bringing you to a ’forever and ever’ life. ”As you said earlier, you do not believe this Universe was formed by the Big Bang, as the Universe is constantly changing. Yet, who can feel that change of the Universe? Human beings?
INTRODUCTION ............................................................................4 PREFACE ........................................................................................8 PROLOGUE: TAIPEI divine predestination.........................................17 PART ONE: COLORADO predestined encounter......................................61 PART TWO: ATLANTIS stirring a past life.............................................75 PART THREE: KARMA karmic – ripenings...........................................121 PART FOUR: EGYPT gods do not reign in statues. .........................157 PART FIVE: PHARAOH power and love...............................................205 PART SIX: SAMSARA OF CIVILIZATION nothing is everlasting.....................................257 PART SEVEN: CREATION - SUSTENANCE - DESTRUCTION - DISSOLUTION circle of universe.............................................293 CONTENT